Faqta is one of the finalists. These Education Finalist innovations are undeniably shaping new boundaries, but only one can be crowned winner. Join us, digitally, on June 11 to find out which to find out who will become the Blue Tulip Awards 2020 winner.

The Blue Tulip Awards is a year-round ecosystem-driven program aiming to accelerate innovators, build powerful collaborations and drive breakthrough innovation. We provide startups and innovators with a clear call to arms: connecting eight inspiring, issue-based themes with new ideas that have immense potential to transform our future. By driving collaboration between the brightest minds and accelerating the most promising innovations to reach their full potential, we can start improving the way the world works and lives right now.

On June 11, the ten Education Finalist Innovations of the Blue Tulip Awards 2020 will give their final pitch to convince the jury why they should be crowned winner. Faqta is one of them. From a multisensory learning platform to an innovative gaming console that combines interactive and traditional play, these Education Finalists will shape our futures.
The nature and structure of work is changing rapidly. It is, therefore, essential that we embrace emerging technologies to enable the changes that are needed in both workforce and education to prepare for a radically different future. Leading businesses need to reshape the nature of work to create new forms of value and scale up ‘new skilling’. In addition, education systems need to evolve and embrace versatile skills that can’t be automated, such as creativity, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, ethics and lifelong learning.

Faqta Wereld & Talent by Faqta
Faqta is the most challenging online video-based learning platform for children in primary schools, with teachers used as coaches and activators for learning. Faqta enables children to work together in a buddy system and provides an environment for them to develop all their necessary skills so they can learn everything about programming, becoming a DJ, virtual reality, the Roman Empire till solving problems for climate change. They aim to prepare children for future jobs and a sustainable society.



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