Holacracy for Startups & Scale-ups session: Designing your company structure | 11th October 2019 17:00 | Dotslash Utrecht

Why? In this Holacracy interview-session you will get a first look on how the Holacracy method works within a Fintech. You will get an idea of what Holacracy is and why this way of working is a good alternative for conventional ways of organizing.

What? It’s lively interview style session with Ron Torrico of Assensia a FinTech in Credit Analytics that has implemented Holacracy and Marco Bogers a certified Holacracy-coach and co-author of the Dutch bestseller Getting Teams Done. Topics are how Holacracy works, how it is implemented and Ron will tell his real-life implementation experience and pitfalls. The interview will be finished with a Q&A with the audience and afterwards Marco and Ron are available for 1 on 1 questions. 

For whom? (Co)-founders and employees of startups/scale-ups that are open for investigating a new way of working for their company and want to have a first acquaintance from first hand. For startups/scale-ups that struggle with finding the right way to organize their teams and want to improve this.

Ron Torrico is an inspiring entrepeneur and innovator of Analytics & Artificial Intelligence for Creditmanagement. Ron is practictioner and evangelist of the Holacracy self-management practice for organizations. Combined with Lean Startup that allows to transform how new products are built and his deep technical experience of Data, Analytics & Artificial Intelligence he can be considered as a unique innovative and enterpreneurial power. Ron is social, energetical, creative, hands-on, technical and has deep Business & Financial Management experience.

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